August 2, 2014 - CFWP Summer Throwdown

WOD 1: Barbell Chipper

For time (10 minute cap):

  • 40 Thrusters, 115#/75#

  • 50 Power cleans, 135#/95#

  • 60 Deadlifts, 155#/115#

Only one partner can work at a time.  Male Rx teams are given one 45# bar, one pair of 35# plates, and two pairs of 10# weights (on each side, 35#, 35#+10#, 35#+10#+10#).  Female Rx teams are given one 33# bar, two pairs of 15# plates, one pair of 10# plates, and one pair of 5# plates (so on each side: 15#+5#, 15#+15#, 15#+15#+10#).  All reps of a given movement must be completed before changing weights and starting the next movement.  Scaled or mixed gender teams can have 2 bars, but still only one athlete works at a time and weights cannot be changed on any bar until all reps of the given movement are completed.  Score is time; any reps not completed will be added to 10:00, 1 second per rep.  (For example, if you make it through 40 of the deadlifts when time expires, your score would be 10:20)

WOD 2: Max Effort x 5

For total reps of each movement:

  • 2 minutes Max Effort Burpee box jumps, 24”/20”

  • 2 minutes Max Effort Pullups

  • 2 minutes Max Effort OH lunge, 45#/35# in 10’ blocks

  • 2 minutes Max Effort Toes-to-bar

  • 2 minutes Max Effort Double unders

Only one partner can work at a time.  No built in transition time between stations.  For the OH lunges, completing 10’ of lunges is 1 rep (i.e.  down = 1, back = 2, down = 3 back = 4, etc).  Both feet must start behind the cone, and both feet must be brought together past the cone 10’ away.  

Score is cumulative rank in your division for each movement (e.g. 1st in BBJ, 3rd in pullups, 5th in OH lunge, 2nd in T2B, and 7th in DU would give an aggregate score of 18).  Lower aggregate rank is better. Tie break in total ranking is your best finish (2nd tie-break is whoever has a better worst finish).  


Floater 1: Row & Run (Outside Event)

For time, on a running clock each partner consecutively completes:

  • 250m Row

  • 200m Run with 45#/35# plate

Partner 1 completes both the row and run, then partner 2 does the same.  There are two markers - a designated plate location next to the rower, and a turnaround marker.  Partner 1 cannot touch the rowing handle until the timer has started.  Once the rower monitor reads 250m, Partner 1 picks up the plate from the designated location, runs around the turnaround marker, and returns the plate to the circle. While partner 1 is running, partner 2 resets the rower monitor back to zero.  Upon return, the plate must be placed entirely in the designated plate location (not overlapping out).  Partner 2 cannot touch the rowing handle until Partner 1 places the plate completely in the designated location.  Score is total time for both partners to complete row & run back to back.  Minutes/seconds is the time; any partial seconds are disregarded.


Floater 2: Barbell Complex (Outside Event)

Teams have 6 minutes to each find a max weight for the following complex:

  • 1 Clean (any type)

  • 2 Front rack lunges, (1 right, 1 left)

  • 2 Front squats

  • 2 Shoulder-to-overhead

Floater begins with empty bar(s).  Same gender teams will have one bar; mixed gender teams can have 2 bars but only one athlete can work at a time.  Once the complex is started, the bar may not touch the ground until the complex is over in order for the score to count.  Any type of clean is allowed (power/squat) to get the barbell to the front rack position.  Back knee must touch the ground on the front rack lunges. The second front squat CAN be a thruster into the first S2OH if you desire.  Any type of S2OH is allowed (strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk).  Full extension of knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows (with feet returning to parallel under hips if a split jerk was used) are required on the S2OH.  No penalty for decreasing weight after a failed attempt.  Score is the sum of each partner’s heaviest complex.